Line harness grip is a high-quality dog harness developed for hiking, tracking and everyday activities.
This dog harness has a handle on the back that provides the possibility to help your dog over obstacles. It can also be used to easily get hold of your dog if you meet somebody or in areas with traffic, where you need to keep your dog close to you for safety reasons.
There are several attachment points for the dog`s leash making this harness very versatile. In addition to the attachment point on the back, there is an attachment point for a tracking line under the stomach. This way the dog can move freely without having the line get tangled around its legs.
Non-Stop Dogwear Line Harness Grip
Size Neck Chest 1 9.1" - 10.6" 11.8" - 16.5" 2 10.2" - 11.8" 14.2" - 21.3" 3 11" - 12.6" 15.4" - 24.4" 4 12.6" - 14.2" 16.1" - 26.8" 5 14.2" - 15.7" 20.5" - 30.7" 6 15.7" - 18.5" 22" - 34.3" 7 18.1" - 20.1" 24" - 36.2" 8 20.1" - 22.4" 26.4" - 40.2" 9 22.4" - 24.8" 27.6" - 44.1"